ps3 bluetooth computer setup

ps3 bluetooth computer setup
PS3 controller on PC via bluetooth - forums -
How to Use Your Xbox or PS3 Controller on a PC | News & Opinion.
ps3 bluetooth computer setup
Re: Getting the Ps3 Bluetooth Mic working on the PC - PlayStation.Bluetooth® Settings | PlayStation®Vita User's Guide.
EX-03 Bluetooth Gaming Headset Support | PS3 Headset | Gioteck.
[WINDOWS] HOW-TO setup Sony PS3 Bluetooth Remote Control to work.
Re: How to set up a device(not bluetooth) to ps3? - PlayStation.
Just got bluetooth headset for ps3, how do i install it with no.
Hey Bombers,I'd like to set up my PS3 controller on my PC, but I'd like to know. This bluetooth pairing trick works for me: (sorry to hijack the thread further, but it.

i need help with this please?!?!?! its a gameshark bluetooth headset model 8860 ? How do you setup a bluetooth headset to your ps3 80GB?
under settings > Remote Play Settings > Register Device. How would i connect my pc or my phone to play remotely on my ps3? is there some.
To pair a Bluetooth® device to the PS3, such as a Bluetooth headset, please select a topic below: Pairing a Bluetooth Headset or Device; Setting Your Newly.
{TuT} Use PS3 Controller On PC With Unsupported Bluetooth 3.0+.
Mar 22, 2013. Want to use your PS3 Controller on the PC via Bluetooth 3.0? After the driver installation enter your bluetooth adapter MAC address (with.
PS3 controller on PC via bluetooth. (1/1). ffc:. to the internet by downloading the file here and extracting it to the ds3 folder in the MotioninJoy installation folder.
Mar 21, 2013. [Tutorial] Use PS3 Controller On PC With Unsupported Bluetooth 3.0+. After the installation start the Sixaxis Pair Tool and plugin your PS3.